Member Benefits
Whether it's involvement with a chapter, the monthly ASHRAE Journal, or the excellent learning opportunities, ASHRAE members all have different reasons for joining and staying in the Society. Find out what it means to be an ASHRAE member, and join the ranks of those shaping the future of the built environment today.
Handbook Series – included in the membership are the bibles of the industry, the four handbooks: HVAC Applications; Refrigeration; Fundamentals; and, HVAC Systems and Equipment.
Bookstore Discounts
Networking – Meet your peers, discover career opportunities, get involved in groups or committees in your area of interest.
Knowledge – keep up to date with technology and trends with the ASHRAE Journal, Professional Development Series and Home study courses.
Members Only Website – access bookstore, manage your membership, Student Branch support, Abstracts centre (8,000 abstract), Chapter Support, Honours and Awards.
See for more information
Why Belong to an ASHRAE Chapter?
ASHRAE's chapters are the grassroots of the organization. In ASHRAE, nourishment comes from local chapters, each Supported by volunteer effort.
Each of the Society's more than 170 chapters usually meets for a monthly dinner and technical session featuring a noted speaker. This activity brings the latest in technical information to the local level. Chapters also sponsor seminars and lecture series to provide members with more detailed technical information. Some chapters even conduct courses that are not available at local universities for their members and other interested professionals.
Public information programs are another important chapter activity. For example, it is not uncommon for ASHRAE members to hold seminars on energy conservation in the home, or to provide engineering career guidance to young people. In addition, many chapters sponsor scholarships to students attending college and help organize and support ASHRAE student branches.
Chapters are divided into geographic regions to effectively organize chapter efforts; provide volunteer training; and open a communications channel to the Society's Board of Directors. Each region holds an annual conference that includes a technical program and business session. Nominations for service on many Society-level committees are made at these meetings.
Upgrade your membership grade from Associate to Member by clicking here
Change of Address
Have your moved or changed jobs? If you have answered YES, you need to take a moment and keep us up to date.
For ASHRAE headquarters go to and click on the members only section and fill in the table or you can phone toll free at 1-800-527-4723. It usually takes a month or two before the Chapter receives notice of these changes so take another moment and let the BC Chapter know as well.
Every February the Society sends us a list of members who are derelict in their membership dues. Society's records are not always correct so if you get a call from a Board Member concerning your dues do not take offence - the problem may be because of an incorrect mailing address. Contacting you gives us the opportunity to ensure we have your latest contact information.
For more information about ASHRAE Membership, please contact