ASHRAE BC Welcomes the BCICA Executive Director Bradley Budden to our September Meeting. Mechanical Insulation has a long track record of providing long-term energy efficiency, emissions reductions, cost savings and safety benefits in Commercial Buildings, Hospitals, Schools and Government Buildings.
Mechanical insulation is usually hidden behind walls or ceilings - Out of Sight, Out of Mind. What are the major mechanical insulation issues in the British Columbia market? What easy steps can we take to improve energy efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint? How can we reduce/remove condensation and conserve energy?
Bradley Budden is the Executive Director of the British Columbia Insulations Contractors Association. Within his role he is responsible for Managing the BCICA, and for the implementation and management of the BCICA Quality Assurance Certification Inspections Program. He is a highly requested Speaker for Engineering Firms within British Columbia
Cost: ASHRAE BC Chapter Members $65
Non-Chapter Members & Guests $70
Students $10
Schedule: 5:30pm-6:30pm – Registration & Social
6:30pm-7:15pm – Dinner, Awards & Research Draw
7:15pm-8:00pm – Presentation
Please register for the meeting using the ASHRAE BC Chapter’s web portal:
All participants must pre-register, no walk-ins will be accommodated.
If you experience any problems or have questions regarding the registration process, please contact Dorothy Bootle, Programs Chair Email:
The ASHRAE Research Promotion Prize:
$200.00 gift card to Joey’s Restaurants
Donated by BCICA