It's Membership Night!
Venue: Italian Cultural Centre, 3075 Slocan St., Vancouver, BC
Date: Wednesday April 11th, 2017
Cost: ASHRAE BC Chapter Members $50
Other Attendees (Non Chapter Members, Guests) $60
Students $10
Membership Promotion Night!
Schedule: Doors Open at 5:30pm
5:30 - 6:30pm Registration & Social Hour
6:30 - 7:20pm Dinner & Research Draw
7:20 - 8:15pm Speaker Presentation
As Laws are changing so are design parameters. Jim’s presentation will include a basic description of plant physiology and will show why the typical HVAC design for grow rooms is not working as designed. He will discuss the various alternatives for maintaining the crucial temperature and humidity control that is vital for proper plant growth and maximizing yield.
Jim McKillip is the Western Regional Manager for Desert Aire, a manufacturer of dehumidification equipment. Jim has been a consulting mechanical engineer before his present career as a manufacturer of HVAC equipment. He now provides information and assistance to help properly engineer systems for controlling the environment in mainly cannabis facilities. He is a member of the team that developed the Latent Flux analysis which explains how sensible energy is converted to latent energy in grow rooms. This Latent Flux analysis has been reviewed by the DOE National Laboratory and is the basis of further research for the optimal design conditions for indoor grow environments.
Please register for the meeting using the ASHRAE BC Chapter’s web portal, which makes it simple for you to register and prepay by credit card (Visa, MasterCard).
If you experience any problems or have questions regarding the registration process please contact: Ali Zahedi, Attendance Coordinator. Tel: 604-298-4858 or email: